Montag, 4. Juni 2007

Sehenswerte Bilder aus der Tierwelt

Wiesbaden (tier-welt) - Sehenswerte Live-Bilder aus dem Tierreich präsentiert die englischsprachige Webseite "The Web Broadcasting Corporation". Auf der Startseite mit der Adresse finden Besucher/innen ein reiches Angebot von "Live Web Cameras", die zahme und wilde Tiere aus aller Welt zeigen. Für Natur- und Tierfreunde ist dies ein wahres Paradies.

Und das sagt über sich selbst:

"The Web Broadcasting Corporation offers a variety of Live Web Camera feeds in conjunction with other organisations including the BBC, The British Broadcasting Corporation Webcams, BBC Somerset Webcam, BBC Spring Watch, BBC Spring Watch, Denbury Farm, Rye Harbour Nature Reserve, The Wildlife Park At Cricket St Thomas, The Butterfly Farm, The Butterfly Farm At Stratford-Upon-Avon, WWT, Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, Slimbridge and offer other webcam viewing at The Perry Institute For Marine Science. Denbury farm Webcams focus Badgers webcams, Bird Table webcams, Nest box webcams, Fox webcams, Otter webcams, Deer webcams, Horse webcams, Farm webcams, Owl webcam and Wildlife webcams. Rye Harbour Nature Reserve Webcams focus on Sea Bird webcams, Bitten webcams, Black Headed Gull, Tern and other Sea Gull webcams, The Wildlife Park At Cricket St Thomsas Webcams focus on Zoo webcams including, Lion webcams, Tiger webcams, Cheetah webcams, Elephant webcams, Monkey webcams, Gorilla webcams, Meer Kat webcams, and Panda webcams, Butterfly Farm webcams focus on Butterfly webcams, Spider webcams, Leaf Cutting Ants webcams and Creepy Crawley webcams. WWT Webcams, Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust Webcams, Slimbridge Webcams focus on Wild Fowl webcams, Swan webcams, Duck webcams, Geese webcams, Flamingo webcams, Supergoose and Kingfisher webcams. The Perry Institute For Marine Science Webcams focus on Sea webcams, Underwater webcams, Marine Life Webcams, Shark webcams, Whale webcams, Dolphin webcams, Coral Reef webcams and Fish webcams. The Web Broadcasting Corporation Webcams also have Astronomy Webcams that focus on the Moon webcam, Sun webcam, Astro webcam, Star webcams and Father Christmas webcams, Environmental webcams and Science webcams. "